Relax Blend
\n100% Lavender, Geranium & Bergamot
\nEveryone needs time to relax and wind down. Lavender acts as a relaxant taking stress out of your life. Bergamot, a citrus oil, gives a smooth lift to the mood and senses and Geranium balances the body and mind. A very popular blend that combines three must have essential oils in any collection.
\nBotany 100% pure essential oil blends are ready to use. All essential oils are naturally antibacterial and antiseptic.
\nPure essential oils are highly concentrated liquid extracts from plants. Aromatic selections of plant varieties include leaves, roots, seeds, stems, fruit, peel, buds, flowers, wood, bark, saps (resins) and herbs. The essential oils are released as an aromatic liquid during the process of distillation or expression. All our essential oils are ethically sourced and are premium grade, 100% natural, biodegradable substances of botanical origin.